Paving a Better Way
“The fundamental pattern that we observe, particularly in progressive movement organizations but in other parts of the nonprofit sector, too, is a vicious cycle of disconnection between staff and leaders that often drives ‘us versus them’ dynamics, exacerbates mistrust, and grinds work to a halt.”
In 2022, a multiracial, multigenerational group of over 25 coaches, consultants, and capacity builders started meeting in response to our shared sense that internal conflicts at progressive organizations were undermining social justice movements.
In “Paving a Better Way: What’s Driving Progressive Organizations Apart and How to Win by Coming Together” (Nonprofit Quarterly, May 2023), we offer four interlocking observations:
There is a fundamental cycle of disconnection that is driving leaders and staff apart.
Escaping this cycle requires stakeholders to discuss and reach mutual understanding about three core concepts foundational to progressive organizations.
It also requires that coaches, consultants, and capacity builders recognize and cease practices that have unwittingly contributed to this cycle of disconnection.
To interrupt these patterns in the future, we as coaches, consultants, and capacity builders must cultivate three key skills in ourselves as well as in leaders and staff.
We offer a practical assessment at the end of the article with concrete questions to help organizations and individuals develop shared understanding and skills needed to break the cycle of disconnection.
We invite you to read the Paving a Better Way article, take the assessment, and be in conversation in the time ahead so that we can collectively shift our practices and come together to win.
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